About TannDuckDuckgoose LLC Coaching

Welcome to TannDuckDuckgoose LLC Coaching, where we believe in unlocking the greatness within each individual. Our personal and professional development coaching is designed to provide a safe space for you to explore your strengths, weaknesses, and ambitions. Through our supportive and engaging coaching process, we help you set realistic goals and align them with your unique strengths for ultimate success.

Our Mission

At TannDuckDuckgoose LLC Coaching, our mission is to empower individuals to tap into their full potential, both personally and professionally. We are dedicated to guiding you through a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth, helping you embrace your strengths and use them to achieve your goals.

Our Approach

Our coaching process is tailored to meet your specific needs, whether it's personal growth, or discovering your unique strengths. We offer personalized coaching plans and goal-oriented strategies to ensure that you have the support and guidance needed to unleash your greatness.

Our Services

Explore the various coaching services we offer, including A1c Acrobatics, Meal Shopping Maestro, and Mindset Makeover. Each service is designed to help you overcome obstacles, set achievable goals, and transform your mindset for success. Discover the greatness that's waiting to be unlocked within you.

Ready to unlock your greatness?

Take the first step towards personal and professional growth with TannDuckDuckgoose LLC Coaching.


Behind the name TannDuckDuckGoose- and the logo

Let's cover why I choose the name Duck Duck Goose..... Well, one because of my last name "Duckworth" but also and mainly "the game".

Have you ever played?

You know the game of duck, duck, goose, right? One person is "it" and walks around the circle of players, tapping their heads and saying "duck" or "goose". If you are the "goose", you have to get up and chase "it" before they sit in your spot.

I am here to get you ready to be the “goose” in your life?


My logo is a Goose getting ready to take flight and some lines that are looping and spiraling, but eventually straightens out 



My Lord and savior Jesus Christ literally pulled me out of darkness, I was living in the loops and spirals that reflected my emotional state, detrimental thoughts and behaviors. At this time, I was nothing but tears, curse words and bad decisions!

Oh, and I matched energy- good, bad and ugly!


That time is past and now I walk with the Lord on His straight and narrow path. I allow the word, His word to be my guide, and my guard rails.  Now, I chose to set the tone in any room I enter because I put God first.

 I stand today a woman of God, Christ fearing, Worshipper of the Almighty, a wife, a mother, a grandmother(πŸ‘ΌπŸ½), a sister, aunt, cousin and friend, and your future coach.



Geese are highly social animals.

Tann: Social Butterfly:

Being a social butterfly allows me to connect with others, whether it’s through friendships, networking, or social events.

Geese are very loyal.

Tann: Loyalty

Loyalty is a valuable trait, as it fosters trust and creates strong relationships.

 Geese eat seeds, nuts, grass, plants and berries.

Tann: Health and Wellness:

I was successfully able to overcome diabetes in 60 days -by changing how I ate and adapting healthy habits! And creating a routine to regularly exercise, maintain a balance diet, and activating self-care for maintaining my well-being.

Geese always fly in the shape of a ‘V’. When the goose in the lead gets tired, another goose takes over the position.

Tann: Leadership

 my ability to both lead and follow shows versatility. Goose migration is a metaphor for teamwork.

Geese collect twigs, bark, and leaves to use when making “home improvements” in their nests.

Tann: Organizational skills

Just like geese organize themselves for efficient flight, organization plays a crucial role in my personal life and business.

Geese can Fly 40- 70 miles per hour


My goal is to keep soaring like those geese, and I would love to partner with you on your journey to being filled with health, happiness, and meaningful connections and decisions!